JDBC Connection Pool and JDBC JNDI installation

Reading time: 5 minutes.

Cogniware GDPR Explorer expects your database (db) to be located on remote database server. To initiate crawling process of the db, communication channel needs to by created between database server and data collector.

To make this communication possible XML file with JDBC and JNDI definitions needs to be created.

Based on the XML file, JDBC connection is created.

JDBC and JNDI installation

1. Create XML file with configuration of JDBC connector (or connectors) and JNDI name spaces. To get details about structure of content of XML file contact cogniware.com/support.

2. Copy the XML file to the following location on the HOST SYSTEM.


3. Restart Data collector.

cd ~/GDPRExplorer
sudo docker-compose restart datacollector 

You can continue in Data Collector UI by creating Connector and Crawler.

Next topic: DB Crawler Installation and Administration

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