Requests view
Reading time: 5 minutes.
This article explains how to work with the Requests view. To understand how requests are created and completed, please read the GDPR Workflow article.
Data Subject Requests
This table shows all data subject requests in the system - both open that are being processed and completed.
Filtering and sorting
It is possible to filter the requests based on Request status and Request type for easier navigation and choose the sort order from newest or oldest requests.
Column description
Column name | Description |
DATA SUBJECT | Individual person identification (standard: name and phone number). |
REQUEST TYPE | Type of the request (standard: Erase data, Rectify data, Export data, Restrict processing, Forget data subject). |
REQUEST STATUS | Can be Created, Under Review, Tasks Processing, Completed or Canceled (please refer to the GDPR Workflow for more information). |
CREATED | The date and time when the Request was created. |
DEADLINE | Number of days before the deadline for this request expires (standard time for request handling is 30 days). |
DETAIL | This will open the detail of the Request. For more information please refer to the GDPR Workflow. |
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